Category: Inventory
treeOcode Gets Boost from Niagara College Project
The Niagara College treeOcode Niagara project has received a boost in the number of trees in the inventory thanks to a project by three enthusiastic College students and their Environmental Management and Assessment program internship project. Roshana Johnson, Ojebode Ayodeji Daniel and Jackson Tran have added 184 planting sites to the treeOcode…
Trees to be tallied in the Garden City
News release posted on Tuesday, May 19 by the City of St. Catharines. “A tree census is set to begin in a few weeks. A comprehensive inventory of the City’s nearly 50,000 boulevard trees will begin by the end of May, with trees evaluated for signs of decay and damaged…
treeOcode Gets Boost from Niagara College Project

The Niagara College treeOcode Niagara project has received a boost in the number of trees in the inventory thanks to a project by three enthusiastic College students and their Environmental Management and Assessment program internship project. Roshana Johnson, Ojebode Ayodeji Daniel and Jackson Tran have added 184 planting sites to the treeOcode…
Trees to be tallied in the Garden City
News release posted on Tuesday, May 19 by the City of St. Catharines. “A tree census is set to begin in a few weeks. A comprehensive inventory of the City’s nearly 50,000 boulevard trees will begin by the end of May, with trees evaluated for signs of decay and damaged…